Your personalized guide to financial independence

Reach retirement earlier with personalized insights and a custom financial roadmap from Steve—your AI financial coach.

Sign up today to build your free financial plan

Screen of the Steve app showing the dashboard with an emphasis on the financial independence countdown
Steve waving

Feel confident that you’re making the right moves with your money

Stop worrying about how you should be handling your money. With Steve by your side, you receive real-time financial advice and tips relevant to whatever life throws as you.

You’ve been under-budget for the past 3 months. I recommend increasing your Brokerage contributions by $150 each month moving forward.

I noticed that you may not be paying down your debt in the best way possible.

Let’s work on implementing the Avalanche Method to pay off your highest interest loans first and save you money in the long run.

Your side hustle is bringing in some serious cash! 💼

Let's talk about tax-saving strategies to make sure you're keeping more of that hard-earned money.

Those subscription services can add up fast! Time to review which ones you're really using and trim the excess to free up more cash for your goals. 💻💰

I saw that your Emergency Savings is in a traditional savings account.

You can earn 10x more in interest by moving these funds to a high-yield account.

Those subscription services can add up fast! Time to review which ones you're really using and trim the excess to free up more cash for your goals. 💻💰

Your spend on Restaurants is starting to creep up. Here are some things you can do to reduce it:

Your charitable giving is admirable! 🤝 Let's discuss tax-efficient strategies to maximize your impact and deductions at the same time.

Nice work paying off your students loans! 🥳

Now, we can contribute additional funds to your Down Payment goal. An additional $400 savings each month will lead to you reaching your goal 6 months early.

You’ve been doing a great job lately. You’ve already reduced your time to retirement by 3.5 years.

I see you're eyeing that luxury vacation package. Let's strategize on how to make it happen without derailing your financial goals. 🏖️💼


Small plant icon with pink background

1. Connect your accounts

In less than five minutes, you’ll know when you can expect to retire.

Financial independence countdown surrounded by the icons of different banks
Medium plant icon with blue background

2. Receive your custom plan

Your personalized roadmap is based on your goals and current financial health.

An example financial roadmap containing two levels for the user
Large plant icon with green background

3. Retire earlier

Celebrate each milestone as you chip away at your estimated retirement age.

Celebration modal example

Find out your retirement age commitment-free

Try out our free tool to better understand when you can comfortably retire—it takes less than 5 minutes.


Your roadmap adjusts to your life.

We know that life plans aren't static. As your life changes, Steve updates your roadmap to better reflect your new situation and goals.

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Example of goals on the financial roadmap
An example of a conversation with Steve about the difference between IRAs


Get your questions answered 24/7

Steve is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer any questions about your finances. No need to schedule an appointment.


Build better financial habits

Steve utilizes behavioral science to help you build good financial habits as you go along your journey.

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An example of the transaction inbox
An example of a 50/30/20 budget


Create a budget that actually works

No more complex savings strategies that are impossible to follow. Build a simple 50/30/20 budget that you'll actually stick to.


Get the guidance you need

Each month, get recommendations on how much you should save, and where to ensure that your investments are tax-optimized.

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An example of a goal detail explaining how much to put towards an emergency fund each month


Take your first step to financial freedom

Sign up today to get early access to Steve and start your journey towards an early retirement. We promise not to spam.